- Shall I go and send for a doctor right now? 要我马上去请位医生吗?
- Shall I go for a doctor? 要不要我去请个医生?
- I go for a jog in the park every morning. 每天早晨我在公园里慢跑。
- Seldom do I go for a walk in the evening by myself. 我晚上很少一个人出去散步。
- Every week I go for a massage to soothe my nerves. 每周我都去做按摩放松神经。
- Her son is going for a doctor! Isn't that splendid! 他的儿子打算成为医生!这不是挺不错的吗!
- He went for a doctor for his mother. 他为母亲去请大夫。
- Shall I call a doctor? ----Please don't bother. 要不要去请个大夫?-----请不要费事了。
- Before buying the car I went for a test drive. 买下这辆汽车前我先试开了一阵子。
- I went for a bathe this morning. 今天上午我洗海水浴去了。
- Linda's mother fell ill,so she had to go for a doctor. 琳达的妈妈病了,她不得不请医生来。
- I went for a long walk to let off steam. 我想宣泄一下,去远远地散了一趟步。
- I went for a walk to clear my head. 我去散一会儿步好清醒清醒头脑。
- I went for a ride on my horse before breakfast. 早餐前我骑马出去遛了遛。
- Yesterday Sam and I went for a bike ride. 昨天我和萨姆去骑单车了。
- Shall I send you to see a doctor? 我送您去看医生好吗?
- Last Wednesday, I went for a walk in the woods. 上星期三我到树林里去散步。
- I went for a ride to give my new bike a workout. 我骑车遛了一圈,试了一下我的新自行车。
- Augustine: I forgot. I went for a drink. 奥古斯汀:我忘了。我去喝了一杯。
- How shall I go about sending a telegram to Chicago? 怎样给芝加哥打电报?